
As the number of life coaches increases daily, the need to be specialised, to be different, becomes more and more a necessity. Someone once told me that 'niching' describes how you would like other people to remember you, to talk about you, so 'niching' is closely linked to branding.

When I started coaching I did not even know what a niche was. I remember asking myself: 'Is it the topic or the people one chooses to work with$%:' And 'Won't I lose potential clients by 'niching'$%:' However, trying to be everything to everybody does not quite work. I did that at the beginning and I found myself with my energies depleted.

'Niching' is actually the opposite, as it enables you to market yourself more easily, it saves you a lot of energy and money, and if you are known as the expert in that field, you can charge more.

Number of messages

But how to choose the 'right' niche$%: What are the criteria$%: Your previous job$%: Your life experiences$%: Your personality$%: The market needs$%: The competitive edge$%: The profitability$%: The market gap$%: If you look in a coaching directory there are so many niches, but how can you choose the right one for you$%: Or how can you even create the right one for you$%:

I remember last year when I went to a business networking event the first question they asked me was: 'what's your niche$%:' I remember I mentioned the niche I had chosen at the time, but inside me I knew I was not very convincing, I felt I was stuttering. Why was that$%: If I was not convinced enough in myself, how could I convince someone else$%: And why was I not convinced in myself$%:

I had worked hard to choose my niche, I had chosen carefully according to my personality and experience, and the market needs; I had done my research checking that there were not many coaches already in that niche, but it was not enough.

Few instances

What was I missing$%:

I had overlooked the most important thing: I hadn't actually chosen my niche by tuning in with my heart. I hadn't listened inside to what I already knew was what I really wanted to do. And the reason why I hadn't listened was because of fears I wouldn't have found clients if I had chosen that niche.

Now I believe in every coach there is a unique niche inside, a niche that reflects who you really are, and if you choose that, clients will come to you; you will simply attract them to you as a magnet, because this is one of the laws of the universe.

So there is no place for worries that you will not find clients, because they will come to you. All you need to do is find that niche, the one that resonates with your heart, the niche that corresponds to your soul, and everything will become easy as you go with the flow of energies of the universe.

So, how can you find your unique niche$%: Just listen inside to who you really are. Simply tune in..

:%$copy; Copyright Piercarla Garusi 2007- All rights reserved.

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